About Me

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My journey with the Alaska Gateway School District began in the fall of 2012. For the first two years, I was teaching the kindergarten through 2nd grade groups in Tetlin. For the next two years, I taught the same ages at another village school in Northway. In the fall of 2016, I transferred to Tok School to teach 4th grade for two years. This year I requested the third grade, as I always enjoy taking on a new grade level of students. Before moving to Tok, my background consisted of four years living in Botswana, Africa, with my husband where I taught mostly English as second language learners in grades kindergarten through fourth. Previously, we were long time Alaska residents. Most of our years in Alaska were spent living in the interior bush community of Galena, where I taught an alternative program for teens, 7th and 8th grades, Title 1 reading, and kindergarten. For a number of years before obtaining my teacher certificate, I was part of the classified support staff in addition to serving on the local school board. It has been great to be back in Alaska, and Tok has been a good fit for us.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Week 13

 Weekly Greetings!

Last week started off with Parent/Teacher Conferences, and I want to thank all of you that attended! It was really nice to share your child's progress with you and I appreciate you making the time to attend.

The next event of the week was Election Day. I was surprised by how much the class knew of the current events, as it was not something we had discussed previously. In the afternoon that day, the class was able to see a sample ballot, and vote in a mock election at the school.

Then on Thursday, we took our field trip to Fort Greely to swim. Once the group was changed into their suits, the life guards sat everyone down to hear the rules before entering the pool. Five out of the nine students attending the trip passed a swim test and could go into the deep end of the pool. The diving board was a big hit at that end! The swim test consisted of swimming two laps starting at the deep end, and then treading water for a certain amount of time. Six students attempted the test, but one student was not a strong enough swimmer at this point, so she spent the day in shallower water. For three of the students, it was only their second time in a pool. You will see from the pictures that there was a lot to do, and the class swam for close to three hours. When they were done, we went for pizza and they ate three large pizzas before we headed back to Tok.
On Friday, the class celebrated our first birthday complete with cupcakes! Then it was off to the Veterans Day Ceremony. 
The class sang "Your a Grand Old Flag" with the 5th Grade and then "This Land Is Your Land" with the whole elementary. It was a very nice ceremony and it was really nice to have so many veterans in attendance, so we could show our appreciation for their service.
With the homework on Monday, I am sending home a letter from the 3rd Grade about a community service project they are doing. Please take a minute to read through the information and see if there is anything you can contribute. Also, last week I asked for any book orders to be returned by this coming Friday, but if you are considering an order, please get it to me by Thursday as I will be out on Friday this week.

I hope you have an awesome week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

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